Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we celebrate Thanksgiving, it is befitting to praise and thank the Lord for his loving kindness, and to express our sincere thanks for your prayers and faithful support of the many Christian ministries and charities in Egypt. You may be interested to know how CCE designated your gifts. The Pie Chart below illustrates how 100% of your contributions were allocated.

Dr Maged What is the scope and ministries of the Synod of the Nile?

The Synod of the Nile is responsible for assuring the biblical foundation and integrity of all types of church ministries and services. During the past 15 years the number of Presbyterian churches in Egypt grew from 340 to 430 congregations. Additionally, the Egyptian government has legitimatized all existing church buildings and properties plus granting 26 lots for new churches in the expanding communities throughout Egypt. The scope of the Synod also includes; Seminary education, Equipping pastors and church leaders; Health care ministries, Schools and Missionary programs throughout the Middle East.

This month I had the privilege of meeting with the Rev Dr Atef Gendy, Former President and current professor of New Testament of the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo, and Rev Dr Maged Karam, Pastor of Kolali Evangelical Church and Vice President of the Synod of the Nile. In our conversations, I was amazed to learn the size, scope and impact of the ministry of the Evangelical churches in Egypt. Here is a brief highlight of our dialogue:

Dr Atef; What are the major accomplishments at the Evangelical Theological Seminary in the past 20 years? 

–  Building an Egyptian faculty in all disciplines with PhDs from best universities in the world, while raising academic and spiritual admission requirements. This resulted in increasing the student body from 67 students in 2000 to 650 students this year. 

–  Offering a diversity of master’s programs for pastors and lay leaders and a Doctor of Ministry program at ETSC campus by Fuller’s and ETSC’s professors. ETSC is also working on a regional curriculum PhD with ABTS in Lebanon and BBC in Bethlehem. 

–  Establishing a mission department in 2002 that changed the life of the church, through graduates who have a missional heart and skills, and online department that carried our programs to students across the country and Arab speaking Christians in Europe, Gulf, and across the world. 

–  Establishing a mission department in 2002 that impacted the life of the church, through graduates who have a missional heart and skills and several academic centers to serve the church and society including: the Center for Middle Eastern Christianity, Center for Church and Society Services and Center for Presbyterian Worship.

The above chart shows the many ministries you have designated and generously supported. Ongoing ministries of the Evangelical churches in Egypt provide traditional worship, youth and compassion ministries such as food banks, affordable health care and more. During the past few years, many of you contributed to the construction of new churches and the renovation of numerous existing ones in the Greater Cairo, Minia, Assuit, Luxor and Red Sea Provinces. You have also generously supported several orphanages. Particularly to the Lillian Trasher orphanage that she established in Assuit in 1911. This ministry is currently housing more than 600 orphans, disabled boys and girls and widows. Fowler Home in Abbasia is another example of an orphanage ministry housing and providing top-quality private school education to over 90 girls. Other ministries that you supported include Seminary education in Cairo, Drug addiction treatment, prison ministry, retired pastors care and support of African refugees.

Dr Maged; Tell us something about the Presbyterian Schools in Egypt.

In the mid-1800s Presbyterian (American) Missionaries started building many schools that for the first time included girls’ education. Most schools had worship chapels that grew to become full-service churches. There are now 24 top rated operating schools and 2 under construction in 9 Provinces, employing 4,000 teachers and staff and educating 40,000 boys and girls.

I trust you may share my enthusiasm and appreciation for how the Lord has blessed and multiplied your gifts, and the faithfulness and diligence that our ministry presents in Egypt using your contributions to the Glory of God.  

 Grace and peace,

Amir A. Metry, MTS, PhD



P O Box 6475


From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required (Luke 12:48)